Sunflower Stalk Flour!

This summer I made a flour alternative from the inside of sunflower stalks.  The process was fairly simple - you just cut the stalks into pieces, cut them in half and scoop out the foam-like pith from the inside.  Once it has been dried you can blend it up and store it to use as a flour.  I found it to be exceptional light and fluffy, but I haven’t gotten around to giving it a try until now.

So since March is nutrition month we are going to use it today to make one of the recipes featured for 2023, a “Best-Ever Apple Berry Crisp” from the Cookspiration website.  This is a great place to go when you want some nutritious, dietitian-approved recipes.

Nutrition Month Recipe - Best-Ever Apple Berry Crisp

Like all gluten free flours you will have to remember that the sunflower stalk flour will behave a bit differently than traditional wheat based flours.

Next week is Dietitian Day on the 16th, so be sure to give your favourite dietitians a little extra attention if you can.

Happy Nutrition Month!